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Shipping & Delivery Information 



Jerusalem Environs

Bet Meir (OJ), Neve Yaakov, Givat Zeev, Pisgat Zeev, Maaleh Adumim, Beitar, Tzur Hadassah,Tekoa, Nokdim, Mevaseret


Gush Etzion: Efrat, Alon Shvut, Elazar, Neve Daniel, Kfar Etzion
Rosh Tzurim

**Does NOT include Kiryat Arba/Hevron, Tekoa, Nokdim & Beitar


Bet Shemesh, Ramat Bet Shemesh,



North of Bet Shemesh to Tel Aviv including: Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan,Givat Shmuel, Raanana, Hod Hasharon(AMHSI), Shaalvim, Modiin/Chashmonaim, Young Judea and NATIV Programs (OUTSIDE of Jerusalem), Givat Washington(KBY and Maayanot)


Out Of Area

North of Tel Aviv: Netanya ,Zichron Yaakov,Netanya, Haifa and environs, Bet She’an; South of Jerusalem including  Ashkelon, Ashdod,  Beer Sheva, Arad,
Yad Binyamin, Eshel Hanasi, Shomron and Kiryat Arba/Hevron, Rechovot, Harish, if your city isn’t on here please message us to find out (we most likely deliver there)




Shipping Zone Restrictions


Our delivery schedule for Jerusalem and environs is : Sunday-Thursday SOMETIME between 1-6 
Delivery  MAY be later but we do our best to deliver in this window. If there is no one home and no answer to a phone provided the package is left at the front door or with a neighbor and we can not accept responsibility

Old City – Jerusalem

Deliveries to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, we will TRY  to deliver between 1-3pm. Recipients MUST be reachable by cellphones. Due to the parking issues in the Old City, deliveries can not be made directly to the schools, students and residents must be available to meet us at the parking lot.. If phone numbers are not correct, or the student does not meet us to get the gift and we have to redeliver, an additional delivery charge will be charged

Jerusalem Environs

Mevaseret Zion,
Givat Zeev, Pisgat Zeev, Neve Yakov, Maale Adumim

For next day delivery order must be received by 7am EST the day before delivery date Orders for Shabbat must be placed by Wednesday 7AM EST Orders for Sunday must be placed by Thursday 7AM EST WE DO NOT HAVE FRIDAY DELIVERIES TO THESE AREAS If there is no one home and no answer to a phone number provided, the package is left at the front door and we can not accept responsibility.

Beit Shemesh & Ramat Beit Shemesh

We can not deliver balloons, birthday cakes or giant chocolate chip cookies to out of area locations. The courier COMMITS to 1-3 working days..USUALLY package is delivered next day. If your order came in 1-2 days before the delivery date, we can not PROMISE it will be there..but it should and we’ll do our best! For next day delivery order must be received by 7am EST the day before the requested delivery date Orders for Shabbat must be placed by Wednesday 7AM EST Orders for Sunday must be placed by Thursday 7AM EST WE DO NOT HAVE FRIDAY DELIVERIES TO THESE AREAS These are delivered by couriers…If there is no one home and no answer to a phone provided the package is left at the front door  and we can not accept responsibility


North of Bet Shemesh to Tel Aviv: including: Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan,Raanana, Hod Hasharon(AMHSI), Shaalvim, Modiin/Chashmonaim, Young Judea and NATIV Programs (OUTSIDE of Jerusalem), Givat Washington(KBY and Maayanot)

Delivery time is sometime between 9 AM and 7 PM…We can not commit to a time We can not deliver balloons, birthday cakes or giant chocolate chip cookies to out of area locations. The courier COMMITS to 1-3 working days..We can no longer offer next day delivery outside of Jerusalem CENTER orders especially Tel Aviv CAN take up 2-3 days..we will TRY faster but can not guarantee. If your order came in 1-2 days before the delivery date, we can not PROMISE it will be there..but we’ll do our best! MODIIN AND CHASHMONAIM/MODIIN  DELIVERIES ARE ONLY ON SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Orders for Shabbat must be placed by Tuesday 7AM EST Orders for Sunday must be placed by Wednesday 7AM EST
…If there is no one home and no answer to a phone provided the package is left at the front door and we can not accept responsibility

Out of Area

North of Tel Aviv ..Netanya ,Zichron Yaakov,Netanya, Haifa and environs, Bet She’an,South of Jerusalem including  Ashkelon, Ashdod,  Beer Sheva, Arad,Yad Binyamin, Eshel Hanasi,Shomron and Kiryat Arba/Chevron..and in general,all small yishuvim, kibbutzim,moshavim

We can not deliver balloons, birthday cakes or giant chocolate chip cookies to out of area locations. Our courier goes to these kinds of areas twice a week and they never can committ to what day it will be..it is usually within 3 working days of the day they get it (which is the day after you order it) but it CAN take longer To VERY out of the way yishuvim, courier may only get there once a week..we always try our best!!These are delivered by couriers…If there is no one home and no answer to a phone provided the package is left at the front door and we can not accept responsibility

Soldier via Army Mail

In order to deliver to specific soldiers, we MUST have the soldier’s Mispar Ishi (Personal ID#) and Doar Zevaii (Army Mail #) In addition, we guarantee that we will get the package INTO the army mail system. Army mail can take anywhere between 2 days and 2 weeks and sometimes.. There is A CHANCE for many reasons out of our control (hungry soldiers who get their hands on the package, etc…) that the package will NOT reach the soldier and thus we can not take responsibility if it is not delivered. THIS IS NOT THE RULE, but rather the exception..but we want all senders to be aware of this.


See Above


For Orders outside Jerusalem last order date is September 13th. In Jerusalem and Gush Etzion last order date is September 19th. Sushi, gourmet fruit platters, flowers or chocolates may be an option Please contact us for more information
 There is a minimum order of $30 in product per delivery address