De Karina, a hand made chocolatier based in the Golan Heights
This gift includes 7 boxes of gourmet chocolate and a bottle of chocolate liqueur
This product is a stand-alone product and can not be bundled with any other Gili’s product
To bundle, there will be 2 delivery charges
Hechsher-Vaad Harabanim- Badatz Manchester
De Karina, a boutique hand made chocolatier based in the Golan Heights, offers a line of kosher chalav Yisrael chocolates-Hechsher Badatz Manchester Igud Harabanim This gift includes 7 boxes of gourmet chocolate New – all vegan Chocolate gift basket includes
Handmade dark chocolate liqueur Chocolate Liqueur – 11.5% alcohol,
100 ml
Handmade espresso liqueur Espresso Liqueur – 11.5% alcohol, 100 ml
Gamla Savage Coffee dark chocolate – dark coffee chocolate mosaics with wild cocoa beans Vegan, bitter, gluten-free, 75 grams
Blue Solo – Mix 2 types of chocolate pearls with crazy flavors:
o Dark chocolate pearls filled with almond shards in a shell of thin cocoa flakes
o Dark chocolate pearls filled with hazelnuts in a thin cocoa shell
Comes in a designed tin case , Vegan, dark chocolate, gluten-free, 70 grams
New Perlitas Pecans – Dark chocolate pearls filled with pecans in a shell of thin cocoa flakes , Vegan, dark chcolater, gluten-free, 50 grams
Golan series dark chocolate bar – Natural dark chocolate bar 70% Vegan, dark chocolate, gluten-free, 100 grams
Perlin 4 Dark – A collection of 4 pralines in a selection of velvety fillings- Espresso coffee, hazelnut cream, Vegan, bitter, gluten-free, 44 grams